The business center of Asti Hotel is the best service we provide to business customers. We operate 24 hours to provide all the services to satisfy your needs. | Inquiries +82-51-409-8807 | |
Location | | 4th floor | |
Operation Time | | 24 Hours |
Meeting & Facilities
Business Center
Meeting & Facilities
Business Center
Meeting & Facilities
Business Center
The business center of Asti Hotel is the best service we provide to business customers. We operate 24 hours to provide all the services to satisfy your needs. | Inquiries +82-51-409-8807 | |
Location | | 4th floor | |
Operation Time | | 24 Hours |
Location | 4th floor
Operating Time | 24 Hours
Operation Guide |
The business center of Asti Hotel is the best service we provide to business customers.
We operate 24 hours to provide all the services to satisfy your needs.
아스티호텔 부산역
부산광역시 동구 중앙대로 214번길 7-8 (우)48733
대표자 : 조진호
사업자등록번호 : 235-86-00895
Guest Services